Many people: 6
70 G of butter
100 G of sugar
almond powder 100g
15 G of cornstarch
1 egg + 1 yellow
80 G of cream
To mix all the elements in the quoted order
and to cook in ½ spheres in silpat 15 minutes with 180°C.
Lemon-yellow sorbet:
* milk 200g + sugar 200g + water 200g with boiling.
To let cool and add 200 G of lemon juice and pass out of ice-cream freezer.
At the exit ice-cream freezer to mould it in ½ spheres identical to those of
cookie of the snowman.
Sorbet green apple:
* green apple juice 300g (with the centrifugal machine)
* Syrup with 120g of sugar and water 50g
To bring syrup to boiling and to add the juice of apples, to pass out of ice-cream freezer,
and to reserve.
* A small stick in chou pastry, a pistachio for the nose, a small meringue as covers chief and of the chocolate nuggets for the eyes and the buttonhole.
To lay out cookie on the plate and the ½ sphere of lemon above in order to
to obtain as a ball (half cookie, half snows). Then to lay out a spoon with ice of sorbet green apple which will become the head of the catch.
To decorate with the meringue like hat, the nose, the eyes, the buttonhole, and it
stick on with dimensions one.
At the last moment, when the plates are on table, in front of the customer, then using a sprinkler, to powder with sugar your dessert freezes.